Nondiscrimination Notice
This Facility serves a diverse population and respects the rights of all residents to receive culturally competent care. The Facility and its Associates recognize that each resident is an individual with personal dignity and unique healthcare needs and strive to provide care focused upon the resident’s needs.
- The Facility will not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise discriminate against persons who are residents or desiring to be admitted to the Facility, in accordance with federal and state statutes and regulations. The Facility does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability, and no resident shall be denied admission or appropriate care and placement following admission because of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, handicap, disability, or any other category prohibited by applicable federal, state, or local laws and regulations.
- Appropriate auxiliary aids and services are available pursuant to the Facility’s Auxiliary Aids and Services Policy and Procedure.
- Language assistance services are available pursuant to the Facility’s Residents and Families with Limited English Proficiency Policy and Procedure.
- Residents and their families are entitled to the prompt resolution of medical and non-medical grievances pursuant to the Facility’s Grievance Policy and Procedure.
- The Facility shall provide information to individuals on how to file a complaint with the United States Office of Civil Rights.
The Compliance and Ethics Officer is responsible for coordinating or facilitating the items listed above as well as any additional Facility nondiscrimination policies.